The Secret Crystal of Pharaoh Tutankhamun Posted on 24 Jul 22:16 , 0 comments

Smokey Quartz also known as Morion is the stone of the ancients. It is said that Pharaoh Tutankhamun wore sunglasses made from thin layers of Smokey Quartz. And the alchemists of medieval times used it to search for a philosophical stone that would turn any unprecious metal into gold.

The name of the stone is of Greek origin from "Morysso"-black. Morion is a dark brown or black quartz with a glass glow. The stone is so rare because of the radiation that affects it.

The mineral protects the body and soul of its owner. Jewelry with smokey quartz helps to eliminate any accumulated negative energy. Smokey Quartz transmutes all negative energy, that is directed at the wearer of the stone as well as the one that comes from the wearer into positive pristine energy.

This black crystal, helps people achieve their personal and business goals.

Smokey Quartz is often used as an amulet of a desire that helps dreams become reality. The black morion, brings abundance and prosperity, but only if people are determined to be positive and not to pursue selfish needs.

The crystal helps improve organizational skills. Smokey Quartz helps to inspire creativity. In addition, the Black Crystal helps its owner to prioritize life's priorities by bringing wisdom in domestic matters. The emotional stone of Smokey Quartz raises the mood, helps to overcome negative emotions, and to alleviate depressive symptoms.


The properties of Smokey Quartz relieve people of stress, imagined fears, jealousy, anger, and such negative emotional manifestations, converting them into positive energy.

The mineral morion can strengthen human spiritual forces and help people to calm down. Wearing ornaments with smokey quartz is recommended to people who have lost close relatives, thus disregarding negative thoughts. Smokey Quartz can help people leave all the negative in the past to focus on the future.

I use smokey quartz along with citrine and other magic ingredients in my world famous Goddess Vortex – Sun Disc which Helps to Release Pain, Activates Solar Plexus, Helps to Soothe Digestive Track, Balances out Emotional Body, Transmutes Negativity, Activates Creativity, Uplifts, Upgrades, Activates and Purifies DNA


The Goddess Vortex disc acts as an accelerating device and an attunement instrument to cleanse your DNA from remnants and frequencies past which are affecting your body and your consciousness in a way that is against the good of your higher self. And as such allowing the ascension process to move forward without delay.

Using this disc will allow the energies to be magnified and applied directly to the one in question, and tune the body of the beholder and attune the DNA of the beholder with the frequency of THE SOURCE entering GAIA.

To learn more about the SUN DISC please click here.


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